Leatside Surgery

Lines open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday


Here you can find out the services and clinics we hold at our practice.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.

Antenatal Care

Routine antenatal check-ups by our qualified midwife at the practice. Time: Thursday 9am – 1pm


The practice offers regular check-ups and advice from practice nurses on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication. Please click here to complete the asthma review questionnaire before your annual appointment. Time: Monday ... [continue] Asthma

Family Planning

We hold a family planning clinic at the practice. We provide advice on contraception including coil fitting and provision of free condoms. Time: Tuesday 2.30pm – 4pm

Mother and Baby

A drop-in clinic for advice and weight checking is available at the practice. Vaccinations for all children up to age 5. Time: Wednesday 2.30pm – 4pm

Travel health

Stay safe and healthy abroad If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Please request a travel questionnaire on our Patient Triage Page in the admin section. ... [continue] Travel health


Routine and travel vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses. We run a flu jab clinic in late October. Ask at reception for further ... [continue] Vaccinations

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 8th February, 2021