Information for patients about waiting times is available on the waiting times page on MyHealth and practices may wish to share this on their own websites. It states:
If you would like to be seen elsewhere or have been waiting a long time to be seen or for treatment please contact DRSS on 01626 883888 or email: to discuss your options.
The NHS Constitution gives most people living in England the right to choose where to receive treatment. You have the right to choose the organisation that provides your NHS care when you’re referred for your first appointment with a consultant. So if your GP recommends that you see a specialist, you can choose where and when to see them.
Please note DRSS are unable to give exact guidance on how long you will wait to be seen for an appointment.
Please do not contact the hospital or your GP to check where you are on the list as they will not to be able to provide you with this information. The only exception to this is if you feel your condition is worsening prior to their hospital clinic appointment or procedure. In this instance, contact your GP.
For more information about local waiting times, managing pain and mental health support, please visit